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Alex Halavais
blogging across the curriculum, involving students in blogging
Alex Halavais is an Assistant Professor of Communication and the Graduate Director of Informatics at the University at Buffalo. His research explores collaborative action and social change mediated by new communication technologies. His work aims to document and help to understand the move from mass society to network society. Prof. Halavais received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2001. He has worked in marketing for a large financial services firm, designed simulations for NASA, worked as a public school teacher in Japan, and in city government as a budget analyst and planner. In his spare time he likes reading, film, travel, eating, and learning. His perfect day would include a curvy drive in a fast car, a warm beach, a nice breeze, a margarita, and his wife. His dream is to someday have his own island school.
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