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Discovering the Potential of Outdoor Screens for Urban Society


URBAN SCREENS 2005 is an international conference ranging from critical theory to project experiences by researchers and practitioners in the field of Art, Architecture, Urban Studies and Digital Culture. The focus is on understanding how the growing infrastructure of large digital displays influences the visual sphere of our public spaces. How can the commercial use of these screens be broadened and culturally curated to contribute to a lively urban society, including the audience interactively?

TIME:        Friday, 23 Sept. 2005 (extended to 24th according to feedback)
LOCATION:    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
CONTACT:     Mirjam Struppek  [email protected]

- Institute of Network Cultures, Hoogeschool van Amsterdam
- Dep. Art and Public Space, Gerrit Rietveld Academy / Univ. of Amsterdam
- Urban||ReseARTch, Berlin


1. Name of the project/paper
2. Author(s)
3. Contact Person ( e-mail/phone/fax/postal Address)
4. Short 350-word abstract of the paper/presentation
5. Short biography of the author(s)
6. Related WEB-links
7. Description of the type of media needed for the presentation

Please mail to [email protected] the following in the subject heading of your submission email: "URBAN SCREENS 05 - submission"


07:45 PM | Permalink

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