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John Hopkins
Dialogue, networks, and creative action
* Introduction:
This momentary presence will be a drift through topics relevant to the situation arising from this particular network convocation.
* About John Hopkins:
As an active networker-builder with a background in engineering, hard science, and the arts, Hopkins has taught workshops in 15 countries and currently works with live/online streaming media performance and network collaboration. He was recently artist-in-residence at the Sibelius Academy's Center for Music and Technology in Helsinki, Finland. Further information may be found at his extensive webspace http://neoscenes.net
01:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Patrick Lichty
A Culture of Cooperation
* Introduction:
The distributed social structure of the Internet created an environment in which collective action and collaborative projects can flourish. Net art, blogging, RSS aggregators, open source, tele-performance, WIKI, netconferencing, and other movements allow a culture of cooperation which is unique to this period in time. How have these technologies changed previous paradigms of collaboration? Furthermore, how can distributed forms of interaction be used to create models of education that respond fluidly to the rapidly changing technoculture, and to place students in the presence of leading practitioners in any given field?
* About Patrick Lichty:
Patrick Lichty is a technologically-based conceptual artist, writer, independent curator, and Executive Editor of Intelligent Agent Magazine. He has also collaborated as part of numerous collectives, including Terminal Time, The Yes Men, Haymarket Riot, ScreenSavers, and others.
http://www.geowall.org (a networked visualization system will be discussed)
as part of newmediaeducation.org
01:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Ricardo Miranda Zuniga
Open Source Edu Tool Box
* Introduction:
The ever-changing nature of the Web, creates a highly disparate teaching environment. After years of presenting Macromedia products in Web courses, it has become clear that these products are insufficient and are contrary to the most exciting innovations of the Web, those of the Open Source movement. A shift of focus from corporate products to utilizing Source Forge projects and other open source technologies will be discussed, such as: jEdit, Movable Type, PHP...
* About Ricardo Miranda Zuniga:
Since receiving his MFA from Carnegie Mellon University in 1999, Ricardo has been teaching digital arts at the College level, currently at The College of New Jersey. As an artist, the principle behind Ricardo's work is communication as a creative process. Documentation of his work is available at: http://www.ambriente.com/
as part of newmediaeducation.org
01:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Megan Boler
Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Politics in the New Media Classroom
* Introduction:
Thinking about educators some may argue that there is no room for the personal politics of the professor in the classroom. We disagree. The Greek word "professore" means " to proclaim." It does not mean "say nothing, look the other side when hundreds of people die in Iraq, when our civil liberties vanish under the Patriot Act, academic freedom of speech is questioned, or when the International Monetary Fund ruins yet another Jamaica.
* About Megan Boler:
Knowledge, Media, Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto Megan Boler is Associate Professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, and works in the area of new media and cyberculture studies. See her website Critical Media Literacy in Times of War.
as part of newmediaeducation.org
01:14 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)