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Reshaping the Wireless Commons

Moport2A Lecture by Brooke Singer (NYC Wireless) April 11, 5pm , CFA 112
(organized in collaboration between the Institute for Distributed Creativity and the Art Department, SUNY at Buffalo)

As wireless technologies reshape our social interactions and the environments we inhabit, these same technologies provide new possibilities for independent media production. Brooke Singer will discuss her most recent collaborations both as an artist and curator that utilize wireless (Wi-Fi, mobile phone cameras, RFID) as tools for initiating discussion and positive system failures. She is focused on emerging technologies not only because they are fun, but also because they are malleable and contingent.


Brooke Singer is a digital media artist and arts organizer who lives in Brooklyn. She is currently Assistant Professor of New Media at SUNY Purchase. She recently exhibited “Swipe,” a collaboration with Beatriz da Costa and Jamie Schulte, in Database Imaginary at the Banff Centre and co-curated Spectropolis, a wireless art event in Lower Mahattan with NYCwireless and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

01:02 PM | Permalink


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