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"I know new media art when I see it."

Idc_rodenbeckThe Art of Participation: Collaborative Mapping

May 16
The Thing at Postmasters

A lecture by Dr. Judith Rodenbeck and Trebor Scholz

Museum curators often frame new media art in modernist terms that attempt to easy and familiar rules for institutional inclusion or exclusion. Yet while many emerging participatory mapping projects can be experienced at art festivals such as Transmediale, ISEA, and Ars Electronica, when it comes to more traditional art institutions their validity as art is often questioned. Emerging art needs new venues and old venues need a new definition of art.

This event takes two approaches to the problem. One is to probe the aesthetic criteria on which institutions base their decisions about constantly shifting shape of new media art projects; the other is to explore a partial genealogy for collaborative mapping projects. Since the 1960s the notion of simple physical participation has increasingly been supplemented by more media-based and technologically mediated interactivity. An art historical line from Marcel Duchamp's nominalist interventions into the
spaces of display idea to the  participatory projects of the 1960s, routed through the open forms advocated by John Cage and Umberto Eco, can be traced in the background of collaborative mapping projects.

The open access flow of information in participatory mapping projects constitutes an aesthetics that has the potential to reverse engineer the original military purposes of networked technologies. Locative techno-creative projects contrast the hierarchical organization of the military command-control-communication model and the commercial hard sell with online models of urban sites annotated and updated collectively by a multiplicity of the people who actually inhabit them. This gesture is
similar to that behind the creation of the virtual city De Digitale Stad in Amsterdam in the 90s and other collaborative networked authoring projects.

Judith Rodenbeck is an art historian whose work concentrates on intermedia and time-based practices of the 1960s. She is currently chair of the Division of Visual Culture at Sarah Lawrence College. http://pages.slc.edu/~jrodenbe/

Trebor Scholz is a New York-based media artist whose practice includes the facilitation of discursive networks and writing about collaborative new media art and education.

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Share, Share Widely Conference

Teaching_2_3Institute for Distributed Creativity
The Graduate Center, CUNY


Share, Share Widely

The first conference on New Media Art Education in the U.S.

Friday, May 6th, 11am - 8pm

http://newmediaeducation.org -- website

"Share, Share Widely" is organized by the Institute for Distributed Creativity (iDC) in collaboration with the Office of the Associate Provost for Instructional Technology and the New Media Lab, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.

>Conference Participants:
Joline Blais (University of Maine), Beatriz DaCosta (UC Irvine), Ben Chang (School of the Arts Institute Chicago), Alison Colman (Ohio University School of Art), Mary Flanagan (Hunter College, CUNY), Pattie Belle Hastings (Quinnipiac University), Tiffany Holmes (School of the Arts Institute of Chicago), Jon Ippolito (Guggenheim Museum and University of Maine), Natalie Jeremijenko (UC San Diego), Hana Iverson (Temple University), Molly Krause (Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University), Patrick Lichty (Intelligent Agent Magazine), Martin Lucas (Hunter College, CUNY), Colleen Macklin (Parsons School of Design), Daniel Perlin (Interactive Telecommunication Program), Andrea Polli (Hunter College, CUNY), Douglas Repetto (Columbia University), Stephanie Rothenberg (SUNY at Buffalo), Chris Salter (Concordia University, Montreal), Brooke Singer (SUNY at Purchase), Liz Slagus (Eyebeam), Thomas Slomka (SUNY at Buffalo), Mark Tribe (Columbia University), McKenzie Wark (New School), Ricardo Miranda Zuniga (The College of New Jersey).

Remote Contributors, see media blog at
Saul Albert (University of Openess), Richard Barbrook (Westminster University, London), Susan Collins (Slade School, London), Eugene I. Dairianathan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Brian Goldfarb (UC San Diego), Alex Halavais (SUNY at Buffalo), Jeff Knowlton (UC San Diego), Paul Benedict Lincoln (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), Geert Lovink (Hogeschool van Amsterdam/ University of Amsterdam), Nathan Martin (Carnegie Mellon University), Kevin McCauley (City Varsity, University of Cape Town/University of Stellenbosch, South Africa), Jason Noland (University of Toronto), Ricardo Rosas (Comum Lab, Sao Paulo, Brazil), Joel Slayton (San Jose State University), Paul Vanouse (SUNY at Buffalo)


Timothy Druckrey (Media Critic, NYC, and MICA)
Trebor Scholz (SUNY at Buffalo)

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