General IDC Mailing List
The IDC offers a list that serves as an idea pool within the research interests of the Institute that simply should be realized. Often financial resources, and skilled, experienced collaborators are missing. This list aims to bridge this gap and lead to collaboration or consulation.
An organization seeks collaborators with a particular skill set for a web-based art project for example. On the appropriate idc list they can put a call out to find this person from within a group of organizations and individuals that is already working in the very same field.
For example, a media organization in New York would like to bring a media artist from Norway to exhhibit and lecture. The organization lacks funding to make it happen. If universities on the East Coast and West Coast of the United States would know about this person they may be interested in sharing in the costs and then travel them to their institution. The artist or researcher gets the chance to lecture or exhibit at several locations.
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