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Thesis Writing

Vision "Writing A Thesis" by R. Keith Van Wagenen - ISBN 0139710868

Think interactively from reading to observing as a basis for deriving a research problem.

The first sentence should speak straight to the issue, no preliminaries.
No attempt of building a general context. Go right to the heart of it.

The first and second paragraph should explain the problem.

An hypothesis is a supposed relation between variables.

"We interpreted the studies by [so and so] together with our own observations of...to justify a supposition that whenever A appears, B is present."

Provide the complete idea, don't hint.

Write understandable headings.

Find expository devices. How can you show what you like to prove?

A success of a report depends on how it argues its case.

Limit the number of hypothesis. Good research is unified under one or two main hypothetical concepts.


   * The investigator integrates her own work with that of other investigators (in the field). She manages to interrelate these variables well. The literature review should be interwoven with your own work to show some understanding of the variables studied.

Take note of events that take significance in your research.

It is up to you how long it takes to solve the argument.

Label clearly what you do not choose to talk about.

   * Explain, don't simply label.

   * The argument is good if it is clear and persuasive and complete.

   * The very first sentence should declare a purpose: "to determine if..."

Don't make the mistake of writing a literature review as you read. Until the problem is fairly well identified you should only take notes.

What you cite in your proposal should be clearly relevant to the problem that you identify.

You need quiet time to think, to identify the topic out of all your interests.

A problem statement is composed of identifiable words and sentences. A reader should be able to tell without any difficulty which word begins a problem and which words ends it.

Problem Statement:

   * Your opening words should be arresting and clear.

   * Find an hypothesis that is researchable.

   * A problem statement is a statement about relationships among variables.

   * The words must speak about variables and the relationships that relate them to each other.

Set boundaries of your research problem. Research problems are narrow. They have boundaries. When a problem is stated - it should make the boundaries of it obvious. No research problem exists until the problem seeker can express a problem as a singular issue.

   * Have an effective title. Longer titles that are more descriptive are Ok.

   * Provide a by-line.

Use your name as author, ommitting the word "by." It is acceptable to list your college or universitry in a byline.

Give an explanatory problem statement. How is this relevant to the field?

   * What is the relevance of your study to existing knowledge?

A definition of terms section is possible if necessary. (But this is old fashioned and little practiced).

   * For each hypothesis have a justification
   * Reveal hypothesis before substantiation.

An introduction to a thesis is concluded with a solution-finding expression of a problem. It is followed by a method section deliniating the details of the method.

Citations should be unmistakably relevant.

Unfavorable arguments have to be introduced.

References/ Recommended Reading

See this for thesis writing course.

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